Back Pain
What Is Back Pain?
Pain is a symbol that something has gone wrong. It is a signal that there has been injury or that injury is about to occur. Back pain may come from several different sources or situations; from an injury received, to weakness resulting in ligament relaxation, referral pain, inflammation, arthritis, obesity, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, among others.
Signs And Symptoms of Back Pain
Back pain is easily recognizable. You hurt. Whether it’s lower back pain, middle or upper back pain or sciatica, 80% of Americans are subjected to back pain in their lives. Some symptoms include: reduced movement and flexibility, soreness, weakness, burning, aching, stiffness, lack of mobility, throbbing, stabbing pain, numbness, tingling, and other sensitivities.
Treatments for Back Pain
A careful examination of your posture, spine and balance should be done. Here at the Natural Health Improvement Center, Dr. Auburn will use her fingers to palpate your back and extremities, check your joints for restriction and/or pain during motion as well as your muscles, tendons and ligaments where tenderness can signal a problem. Testing through use of x-ray, ultrasound or MRI will be ordered as needed.
Depending on what is found, there are several extremely effective services we can use to assist in alleviating your pain. It could be any of the following:
Orders for Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapy
Prolotherapy (an injection therapy which rehabilitates an incompetent structure such as a ligament or tendon by the induced proliferation of new cells)
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, (a specialized form of Prolotherapy using the patient’s own blood to heal an injured or weak joint and connective tissue)
Steroid Injections (only if absolutely necessary)
Trigger Point Injections and many more!