Weight Loss

Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Programs

When you come to the office, we will first take a thorough health history and brief physical exam. Then, we assess your body composition and decide what testing might need to be done. There are a variety of variables which contribute to why we gain weight and have difficulty losing weight, like aging, hormones, genetics, and stress. We often start with a detox, such as the Metagenics ClearChange program, while we’re waiting for those tests to help us determine what barriers may be between your and your weight loss goals. Most people do very well with this and even lose a few pounds right away, too.

What can you do to get started losing weight now? Here are 4 simple ways to increase your metabolism, burn more fat, and turn down hunger and cravings:

  1. Reduce carbohydrates and get off of WHEAT PRODUCTS. Carbohydrates are found in many foods, but start by cutting out all of the junk foods, soda, fast food and sugar and make it a priority to get off of wheat…it is not the same as your grandma’s wheat and it’s worse than sugar for the body. Then work on cutting the GRAINS down to one serving/day.

  2. Eat adequate protein, at least 3-4 servings the size of your palm daily.

  3. ALWAYS eat a breakfast with protein.

  4. Add some exercise in short 10-20 minutes bursts, this can increase your ability to burn fat for up to 24 hours after you finish. This method of exercise will even increase your metabolism while you sleep and has been shown to reduce appetite throughout the day.

With the right support and encouragement, your health goals CAN be achieved. We can help take the mystery out of diet and lifestyle change, and partner with you every step of the way as you become a healther version of you.