Thermographic Breast Imaging
What Is Thermographic Breast Imaging?
Thermography uses a highly sensitive thermal camera to take thermal measurements of the breast tissue. When a tumor is in its earliest stages, blood vessel circulation increases and metabolic changes occur in the growing cells. By detecting minute variations in normal blood vessel activity, infrared imaging can find signs suggesting a pre-cancerous state of the breast and the presence of an early tumor that is not yet large enough to be detected by physical examination, mammography, or other types of structural imaging.
Why else is it great? There is no radiation, no compression and hormone replacement, nursing or having fibrocystic, large, small, dense, or enhanced breasts will not cause difficulties as it may with mammography.
Thermography provides the most sensitive and earliest means of screening for breast cancer. An FDA approved medical grade infrared camera captures very detailed infrared images of the levels and patterns of body heat being emitted. Using this technology along with applying a comprehensive four-part analytic method, Therma-Scan Reference Lab is able to detect the specific blood flow abnormalities of breast cancer.
Steps Women Can Take To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
Eat 5-10 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day.
Eat extra broccoli, brussels sprouts, or kale, or consider a dessicated cruciferous vegetable supplement.
Decrease stressors in life when possible and use anti-stress techniques like yoga, mediation, or Pilates.
Ask your health care provider to check your vitamin D level. If it is low, get 30 minutes of sun, which increases the production of vitamin D or take cod liver oil or a natural, complete vitamin D supplement.
Get breast x-ray mammography as recommended by your doctor according to your risk profile.
Consider evaluation with infrared mammography.
Lose weight, even if you are only 10% over your ideal body weight.
Limit alcohol consumption.
Stop smoking.
Consider hormone testing to see if you are estrogen dominant
Consider urine testing for abnormal estrogen metabolites to see if you are at increased risk for estrogen-related tumors.