Detox Day 10: We Made It!


We have officially completed our NHIC 10-Day Detox Challenge!

Today was easy-peasy, we took our 2 AdvaClear doses and finished up any leftover UltraClear. Now, all that is left is to gradually reintroduce foods that you've been avoiding, but only 1 or 2 per day.

  • Try starting with meat, poultry, dairy, or eggs. For example, have eggs today, or tomorrow start adding chicken to lunch, and then add corn the following day.

  • If you suspect food allergies, wait 24 to 48 hours between reintroducing foods.

  • Watch for reactions that may be food-related, such as digestive stress or skin changes.

  • If unsure of a reaction, wait until symptoms are gone, and do not eat the questionable food again for 3 more days.

Dr. Auburn was out of the office today, and we'll be honest, we were VERY tempted to pick up the phone and order an extra-large pizza! Fortunately, when we really started to think it through, we realized that we weren't craving bread, cheese, or any of that greasy stuff. We were only romancing over the ideas of a food weren't "allowed" to have. Our tip to you is to keep listening to your body. Don't dwell on the foods you haven't been able to have for the past several days, dwell on how good you feel and what you can do to continue feeling that way! 

We want to give a reminder that your practitioners are here and available if you would like to have a follow-up after this detox. If you suspect that you may have uncovered a food sensitivity, there is testing available to identify exactly which foods may be the culprit. It is important to dive deeper into adverse food reactions, and it may be necessary for you to adhere to a true elimination diet to stop chronic inflammation or other symptoms that might prevent you from living life to the fullest. Do not hesitate to call!

As promised, we will be celebrating with each of you who participated in this challenge by sending you a certificate of completion and a $10 coupon toward any purchase at the NHIC. If you haven't had a chance to let us know how your detox went, click below to send us a message. 


That is all we have for the Day 10 blog! If you aren't busy next Thursday, we will be hosting an amazing speaker joining us all the way from Canada! Gerald Weibe works with agricultural producers on a consulting basis, providing them with ecologically sound crop production, and soil and water management directives. Please join us here at the office for the lecture, "Insights to GMOs and Healthy Dietary Choices."  It is free, and we would LOVE to see you there! 


Farewell From Carly Peterson, PA-C


Detox Day 9: Take It Slow