Understanding The Benefits of Breast Thermography

At the NHIC, we believe in fostering wellness by looking beyond symptoms. We seek to understand and address the underlying causes of disease by evaluating not only the physiological body, but also environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. When it comes to diagnosis, we always look for tools that make sense and work for our patients. This October, we want to highlight breast thermography, and tell you all about why we use this tool to support our mission of restoring health with a holistic approach!

Breast thermography, or digital infrared thermal imaging, is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that measures and creates images of the infrared patterns emitted from the body. In the context of breast health, it's a game-changer. Here's why:

1. It’s Risk-Free

Unlike some diagnostic tools, thermography doesn't expose the patient to radiation and doesn’t require any physical contact. This makes it a risk-free option ideal for regular check-ups, and suitable for all - including pregnant or nursing women, young adults, and those who are at high risk for breast conditions. 

2. Early Detection

Thermography can help identify changes in breast tissue even before they develop into tumors by showing thermal asymmetry or physiological changes. This early detection is crucial for timely intervention and treatment!

3. It’s Painless

Since thermography is a contactless procedure, it is a comfortable and painless experience, an element that can often deter patients from scheduling regular screenings.

4. It Works As A Supplemental Tool

Thermography does not replace conventional diagnostic tools like mammograms but rather complements them. It can help to identify issues in dense breast tissue where a mammogram might not be as effective.

5. Provides A Holistic View

Thermography maps the surface temperature of the skin and can help identify inflammatory conditions, infections, or the presence of lesions, offering broader health insights beyond just the breasts. 

Despite its many benefits, it's important to remember that breast thermography does not diagnose breast cancer. It identifies potential risks or physiological abnormalities that require further medical consultation. Remember to review your health history and risk factors with your NHIC provider to ensure a comprehensive approach to your breast health!

At the end of the day, prevention is better than treatment, and early detection is key! By understanding and using tools like breast thermography, you can be an active participant in your healthcare, promote a healthy future, and have peace of mind.

Join us in celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October by scheduling your thermogram today!


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